Barney Pond Dam Improvements

This dam improvement project in Lincoln, RI involved extensive clearing and grubbing of the existing embankment, abandonment of an existing outlet structure, water control and diversion, sheetpile cutoff wall installation, support of excavation, underpinning and repointing of the existing masonry training walls, permeation grouting at the embankment, removal and replacement of a sluice gate, demolition of the existing scour apron and spillway, construction of new concrete spillway and scour apron, installation of stone rip rap stability buttresses, and re-grading/restoration of the embankment slopes. One notable challenge encountered on this project was the forming and placement of the sizable, curved concrete spillway.
OWNER: Town of Lincoln, RI
VALUE: $875,000
ENGINEER: Pare Corporation
DURATION: 150 Days