Horseshoe Falls Dam Fish Passage

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The main elements of this project included over 350 cubic yards of earth and 575 cubic yards of rock removal, selective demolition throughout the duration of work, the construction of a 600 cubic yard, stamped/stained concrete fish passage, installation of sluice gates, channel grading, and a steel eel passage integrated into the fish passage. A major challenge on this project was the diversion of water around the work areas. Rip rap and sand bag cofferdams were used as the primary source of water control. The water reached record highs during the work period, with flows reaching over 400 cubic feet per second.

GENERAL CONTRACTOR: MAS Building and Bridge, Inc.

OWNER: Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association

VALUE: $1,145,000

LOCATION: Charlestown, RI

ENGINEER: Fuss & O'Neill, Inc.

DURATION: 16 Months

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